- Ingreadients
- 100% Natural Ceylon Mandarin
- Lime
- Mint
- Cane Sugar
- Water
- Sea Salt
- Citric Acid
Wellness and Bliss:
- Indulging in the invigorating flavours of Nutreesa’s Citrus Symphony not only gratifies the palate but also unfurls a panorama of health benefits that resonate intimately with individual well-being. Here are some reasons why this unique elixir is worth trying:
- Oral Oasis: A Symphony for Dental Well-Being: The fusion of 100% Natural Narang (Ceylon Mandarin), mint, lime, water, cane sugar, sea salt, and a hint of citric acid results in a seamless blend that offers a natural fortress against dental concerns. Citrus Symphony’s refreshing taste is like creating a sanctuary for your oral health. Bid adieu to worries of tooth decay, looseness, and other dental issues.
- Soothing Serenade: Relief for Aching Teeth and Gums: Citrus Symphony not only offers preventive care but also provides a soothing symphony for your senses. During moments of toothaches and gum discomfort, let the refreshing tones of this elixir provide gentle relief, crafting a symphony of comfort that resonates through every sip.
- Bones of Resilience: Nurturing Skeletal Strength: Citrus Symphony extends its care beyond oral realms, as it is formulated to nurture skeletal strength. Each sip becomes a gesture of support, weaving strength into the very essence of your bones. This exquisite concoction thus becomes a fortifying ally against bone fragility.
- Holistic Harmony: Crafting Wellness, One Sip at a Time: More than a mere beverage, imbibing the subtleties of Citrus Symphony is a deliberate stride toward holistic well-being. It unfolds a comprehensive approach to health, where the vigour of your teeth converges with the resilience of your body’s skeletal framework. Nutreesa’s Citrus Symphony stands as your companion in curating a harmonious equilibrium between taste and well-being.